Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Yup...I'm a Gazelle...

This morning was gorgeous for a run. Low 70s, little to basically no humidity and the sky was blue as can be. I'm starting to realize that my Tuesday morning runs are rather "kick ass" if I may so myself. I think its because I have had two full days to recover from the longer runs and my legs are just rearing to go. So much so that I felt like a Gazelle, gliding along the Hudson River. Oh so graceful and oh so quick....obviously I'm exaggerating...a little bit.
Anyway, there is a little more behind equating myself to the lovely animal to the left....One sunny summer day in Central Park a couple years ago, a few of my friends and I were laying out sunning ourselves. One of my dear friends Garabedies was present and I asked him if he knew of any flag football teams that I could join (I love football and I love to play football too). He tried to let me down gently by saying, "Well you have to be fast ya know."
"I'm fast."
"No, I don't think you understand. You HAVE to be FAST."
"Ummm... I know! I'm a GAZELLE!"
This had the others cracking up. I'm not sure if it was because of the random animal that I equated myself to or the pure fact that I was not gonna go down gently.
I'm not sure if that was a funny story...I have a feeling it is more of a "had to be there," kind of story...oh well, I can't always be on my "A" game!

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