Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Starting off Week Numbah TWO!!!

I'm not sure if the endorphins from Saturday wore off or if it was my participation in Sunday Funday that caused it but Day 1 of Week 2 was not my best. I felt tired and it was as if my brain never woke up when I did this morning. Originally I had grand plans of...I hope you're sitting for this one...cooking....I know, scary....But by the end of the day, that whole idea/thought/whatever you wanna call it wore off and all I wanted to do was go home, shower, put PJs on and eat Benny's Burritos Guacamole (which I did). I guess not every day will be blissful and we have to take the great days with the not so great days. My mom even tried to comfort me by saying that there was a new moon last night...I'm not sure if it affects people or if its just a title of one of the Twilight series movies but I suppose I'll take the excuse for today. Here's to hoping tomorrow is a better day!

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