Tuesday, July 20, 2010

And I was Running...

Remember this "Friends" episode? When Phoebe and Rachel go running together for the first time and Rachel is horrified because Phoebe runs like a five year-old running terrified away from monsters? Well I kinda felt like that this morning minus the crazy running "technique." I enjoyed being outside so much I felt like a kid let outside for the first time in months! I have to admit, this adrenaline or whatever it was had me FLYING! I finished my 4 miles in at least 30 minutes. I don't know if it was because it was my first time back outside since the "treadmill" incident or just simply that my legs were "feelin' it" but I had a great run and enjoyed every step along the way. I'm hoping runs like this will help me build up my speed and endurance. We shall see though, I'm only on day 2 of Week 15....there is a long road ahead of me, figuratively and literally!

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