Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Viva la Vida!

I kicked off this morning's jaunt to Coldplay's "Viva la Vida" so I felt it was a fitting title for today's post because I do feel as though I'm living the life. I have committed myself to an amazing journey and I've had wonderful people in my life completely support me as I do it. I honestly feel like life couldn't be much better right now.

This morning's run was my standard 5 miler along the Hudson. It was somewhat muggy today but I think I'm becoming accustomed to it because it really didn't bother me that much. Moving along...I'm not sure if I've divulged this information yet, but I can be somewhat competitive....yes, its true. How is one competitive while running you say? Well....I LOVE passing people! I especially get a charge when I pass by people taller than I am (use your gams for a longer stride!) and also passing MEN! AH HAHAHA...YESSSSSSSS!!! I love passing by dudes, its like, "You suckah!!! Get your act together for cryin' out loud!!! I'm totally kicking your behind right now....whooop whooooooooop!!!" Anyway, I passed quite a few peeps this morning and even two dudes running together and they seemed like they were in good shape. One was even so confident in his "physique" that he was sporting a pair spandex shorts....I'm not sure how I feel about guys in spandex ANYTHING but whatever works for him to get his "run on" I support, I guess....Luckily for him he did not look even remotely like the guy in today's visual, but when I googled images for "man in spandex" this came up and how could I resist??? Happy Hump Day!!!

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