Monday, July 19, 2010

Final day of Week 2!

Today I'm supposed to cross-train, which means, bike, elliptical, swim or anything low impact. I chose to go to the beach instead. Being a lover of the beach, I sadly haven't gotten to it much this summer so having the opportunity to go with my beloved Nugget friends (I call my vertically challenged friend "Nugget" and her boyfriend gets "Mr. Nugget" simply by default) is something I quickly jumped on. When it is as hot as it was in New York this past weekend, escaping to the beach is similar to heaven on earth. The cool breeze off the ocean and the relaxing sound of the waves crashing instantly puts me at ease. I did get some "training" in by going in the water with Nugget. The water was warm so we swam around for about 20 minutes...not very long but better than nothing. The salt water also felt good on my "wounds" I encountered the day before.
At the end of the day, we packed up and hit a Mexican restaurant for some cold coronas accompanied with guac and chips. Not the best I've ever had but hit the spot, rounding out a perfect beach day.

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