Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Getting my groove back...sort of...

Can I just say, I frickin' love whoever invented the snooze button?!? I mean REALLY!!??!! To me this is probably one of the best inventions. I set my alarm for about 20-30 minutes before I actually have to get up just because I am never one to just LEAP out of bed ready to take on the day. I like to ease into the idea of getting up. This morning...I took a lil' too much advantage of the snooze button and just barely made it up in time for my run. I even debated on whether or not I was fully going to accept the idea of getting out of my cozy bed and miss my morning cuddle session with my beloved orange and white feline. Knowing the consequence would probably be to have to run on the treadmill this evening, I choose to get my lazy butt out of bed and into gear. I threw on my tank, shorts, laced up the sneaks and brushed my teeth. I was out the door in a miraculous 10 minutes for what was supposed to be 3 miles but I went 4 because its what I'm used to. It was a hot steamy one this morning but I've got my endorphins back and feel much better today than I did yesterday. Maybe it was the additional slaps to the snooze that had something to do with it too....

1 comment:

  1. Um, I snoozed so much today that I barely made it to work!!! Good job!
