Monday, July 26, 2010

End of Week 3...BEACH!

Kim Kardashian? What does she have to do with my training? Absolutely nothing....other than the fact that I hit the beach with Gumbi on Sunday and I'm pretty sure he would have much rather been throwing a football around with her than me! I only know this because we bought OK! Magazine on the way to the beach, he was flipping threw it, came across a picture of her on a beach, pointed at it and said, "HOT."

Anywho, so Sunday is my day of cross training and this is the second week in a row I've opted out of it to hit the beach. Its the summer though and there is no better way to spend a summer day than on the beach! I brought a football because Gumbi has ants in his pants and needs to be entertained so tossing around the football for 20 minutes was a good way to keep him entertained and get a lil' exercise. Aside from that, I did actually do some cardio later on and went for a 3 mile walk along the Hudson that night. The day started out really hot, then it poured, then it cleared and was comfortable to be outside again...YAY!!!

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