Friday, July 23, 2010

Sore Sally...

No, that is not me. BUT that is a fairly accurate image of how my body feels today. Yesterday after work I decided to go to a total body conditioning class because I should work on building strength in addition to endurance. Well that smiling, tank top wearing, matching back pack carrying, Son-of-a-GUN KILLED me! My whole body aches (secretly I love this because I know it was a good workout) booooo....hissss...(disgruntled disapproving look to boot!) Luckily today is my day of rest but I'm contemplating doing a yoga class tonight to stretch some of these pains out. It sounds ambitious and I do have summer Fridays so who knows where the day will lead me....we shall see, I'll report back tomorrow.

Today also has me pondering that in addition to my donation link (on my blog) for the American Heart Association, is it possible to have a link for massage donations? It doesn't have to be a fancy schmancy place like Bliss....any takers or givers rather??? Just throwin' it out there if you ever feel so inclined, I will so feel inclined to accept!

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