Thursday, July 29, 2010


Sorry mom, but I am your daughter, I get stressed rather easily. Yesterday I didn't have a moment to write in my blog and if I wasn't running around doing work, I was running around preparing for tonight. What is tonight you ask? Tonight is my fundraiser, "Have a Heart." A friend of mine helped me plan an Open Bar/Happy Hour/Raffle to raise money for the American Heart Association (the team I'm running with on November 7th). Well of course I'm also my father's daughter in the sense that I sort of (obviously did) waited until the last minute to tie up all the loose ends....UGH!!! Luckily it seems that everything has worked itself out and I am hoping tonight will be a success. In between stressing and running around today, I've managed it all by inhaling my fair share of dessert and threw back 3 delicious cookies from Hale n' Hearty...random, but oh so good!
I would like to add a disclaimer that amongst all of this, I have stayed on track with my running and got my 6 miler in yesterday morning and a 3 and 1/2 mile jaunt this morning....Where there is a will there is a way and I am WILLING! :)

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