Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 3 - Boo Radley

This baby's face pretty much sums up my feelings this morning when I woke up and it was still too frickin' hot to run outside. I had been looking forward to the start of my first week of training and being able to run along the Hudson River which brings me such pleasure but no, no soup for me! I geared up this morning and hit the gym to get on the treadmill, yet again, this time for 5 miles. I can't complain too much, I at least didn't melt completely and I had a holder for my smartwater so I could keep myself hydrated while I ran without having to stop.

Regardless of what the weather report is for tomorrow, I am set on hydrating up the wa-zoo so that I can run my 3 miles outside and not pass out. Its not like I'm out of shape, I should be fiiiiiiiiine...

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