This is similar to what I dined on Friday evening...Not the best idea the night before a 9 mile run...Not because it wasn't DELISH or that it made me sick, just that it was still sitting like a ton of bricks at 9 am when I went out for my run Saturday. It had seemed like a really good idea at the time and it tasted so good but the minute I was finished and sat back on the couch I felt a "UHhhhh" come out and regretted my decision instantly.
Saturday, once I had geared up and got ready, my stomach was still bloated from the grease and fat I had ingested a good 12 hours previously. I had no option of delaying my run though, I had a hair appointment that I was not willing to change at 12:15 on the Upper West Side and if I was going to get my long run in, it had to be then. I started out and about a mile in my thighs were already burning probably from the added bloat. Being the fighter that I am, I kept on and just honed on into my music. Saturday morning, heck the whole day, was a BEAUTY and despite my unhealthy dinner choice the night before, I got a good run in. I was able to still keep my roughly 9 minute mile pace and finish my run in an hour and 20 minutes. I was happy with the outcome and felt pretty good after. I will just have to take note not to eat salty, fried, deliciousness the night before a long one...
SUNDAY.....I slept in after an unforeseen late night. My dearest friend K-pup got engaged and she shared her exciting news with us Saturday night. Once I came to, I met up with my old roomie and her mom that was visiting for some yummy brunch. Being exhausted from the evening before and just in general I vegged on the couch for the remainder of the afternoon. I had been so tired the day before, I took a nap (I never take naps) and today I didn't have a whole lot more energy. I think I need to start taking it a little easier with my "socializing." This will be difficult because I always like to be out and about. I can still do that but I think H2O will have to find its way into my palm more than my beloved Stella. As much of a challenge this idea poses I think the benefits will be far outweigh the "costs."
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