Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A lil' too much TV and...

Yup, I found myself here again and on a Tuesday morning....OOOPH! Monday night I got a lil' too wrapped up in the Bachelorette finale (insert open arms embracing spinster city), followed up by Real Housewives of NJ, iced off with Chelsey Lately...I just couldn't get enough of reality TV and boy did I as well as my run pay for it this morning. I obviously a) did not want to get up and b) did not move even remotely close to the looks or speed of a gazelle once I got out for my run. Nonetheless, I did make it up and I did make it for 4 miles so although I may punish myself sometimes, at least I am keeping integrity in my training. Tonight I plan to get to bed by 10pm so that I can have a good night's rest before my 6 mile run tomorrow. I also need to be fresh and ready for a big meeting I have at 9:30. Sleep well my friends...

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