Wednesday, August 25, 2010 pictures!

Oooph! I feel like I am running on "E" in terms of my fuel tank. I have been on the go since last week and I can't wait until I can put my feet up and CHILL. Monday I mustered up needed energy to get 4 miles in after work. That is totally off schedule but my schedule is all kinds of screwed up from my travel over the weekend and now my weekday travel. Tuesday I was off because I had to be up at 4:30 am to make an early flight to Milwaukee for work (yes, they send me to the glamorous places for work). Today, I am yet to face my 7 miles but today will put me back on track. I am overtired, frazzled and in need of a good night's rest. There will be no run tomorrow morning, just the 4 miles after work. Friday is rest and believe you me, I will! My plan is to have a crazy evening that has my head on my pillow no later than 10pm. So I leave you with nothing motivational at the moment, no "victorious" triumph over a run, just a whirlwind of a blog that leaves you wondering, "what the hell did I just read?" Tomorrow I promise to return to posting pictures that lure you in and either make you crack up or horrify your eyes. I hope you all enjoy your hump day!

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