Monday, August 23, 2010

14 miles on a Friday...

Thursday night, I took the train home to Boston as the first part of my journey up to Maine for my friend's wedding this past weekend. Of course with my luck, the train was delayed over an hour and I didn't arrive until 11:20pm. My mom picked me up and before we went home we did a drive thru of the 14 mile course I picked out for the next morning. On the first loop she was already crying because the road was "too narrow." I tried to reassure it would be okay but she thinks this whole training is crazy, which it is but its also for a great cause that touches me deeply. By the time we got home, I washed my face and brushed my teeth, it was after midnight. I had to be up at 6:15am to get ready for my run so I was off to dreamland as soon as my head hit the pillow. What seemed like a blink later, the alarm was going off and it was time to get up and get ready for the longest run in my life (here on out they will all be the longest but this is the true "kick off"). I made some toast, had some coconut water, washed my face, brushed my teeth and got dressed. I was out the door by 7:00 am geared up with my belts and hand held water bottle (the newest of my "hot" accessories). I also had Gu packed and a note in my pocket with my name on it and the two numbers my mom could be reached because "Bartholomew Street is very dangerous, please be extra careful."

I had the run broken out into two loops, one small and one long one. The first felt like a breeze. Part of it reminded me of when I was younger and getting up early for soccer camp with the smell of fresh cut grass. It was also interesting running in the "burbs" because there is not a whole lot of careful attention paid to the sidewalks and people drive by looking at you like you are a whack job running in the heat (it wasn't even that hot). On the second loop, that's when things started getting a little tougher. I had finished my water bottle and was left with two 8oz bottles of Gatorade and two Gus. I took one thinking it would help and it did for the most part. There were two long legs on the second loop. The first one felt like eternity as I finished my first gatorade and I knew had to ration the second. I started feeling a lack of energy mostly because I was on a 2 hour run with only 6 hours of sleep the night before. I slowed down and walked for a little bit as I had my second Gu and half of my second gatorade. I was thirsty and tired and still had at least 3 or so miles to go. I kind of panicked a little but shook it off and got running again. I passed by a 7/11 and as I did I wished I had stopped to see if I could fill my bottles with water there...I knew that there was at least an auto body shop up ahead, maybe they would have a water fountain. I stumble in as 3 old men are sitting around gossiping. Soaked in sweat I ask, "I have been running for a long time, do you have a water fountain I can fill my bottle with?" "I'll do you one better," cute bearded old dude responds, "I'll give you a whole water bottle." He disappears and then returns with an ice cold bottle of water. Its as if a golden halo of light surrounds him as he is my savior! I gulp it down and then use the rest to fill up my bottles. Feeling refreshed and like I have a whole new lease on life, I get back at it and get running again. The next two miles feel tough but I push through as there is just two left and I've already come so far. I got to the end of my journey, looked at my time and I did it in 2 hours and change. I wanted to throw my arms up in the air as if I were Rocky at the top of the Philadelphia Museum of Art! I made it, all 14 miles and I'm not upset that I walked because I still did it in kickass time despite my obstacles. Here's to 15 and a good night's sleep next week...I'm looking forward to it!

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