Monday, August 2, 2010

End of Week 4....

Yup...I was a lazy piece o' nothin' on Sunday. I should have gotten some sort of cross training in but even with me actually putting work out clothes on, I still never made it for a walk or even to the gym. I woke up around 10 am and moved my horizontal position from my bed to the couch. I caught up on my DVR'd programs and then ordered in some lunch. Around 4pm I figured I should join the land of the living and get my orange and white furball some food because I was all out and he was starting to look at me as if I could be his supper. I got home and thought I'd go for a walk but then the Billy's Peanut Butter pie that I picked up along the way "somehow" landed on my lap and I needed to factor in a "digestion" period after devouring it. That's when I realized there were "Shark Week" teasers on before the official kick-off at 9pm...THAT was the nail in the coffin. I decided my work out gear was a cute and nice attempt but I put my pjs back on and was one with the couch again. I felt a little guilty about my incredibly lazy day but I can't remember the last time I had one quite like this so I guess its allowed....

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