Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 1 of Week FIVE...Cleaning MACHINE!

Lean...mean...cleaning machine! That is how I ended my day of "rest." I think its okay since the most movement I got on Sunday was getting off the couch to pay the food delivery guy....oops! I actually had my old roomie over Monday night for the Bachelorette finale (squirm). This is the first time I've actually watched a season of this show and I am embarrassed. I think its a terrible show. The fact that these people think that after sorting threw 25 people, they can come to one person who they completely, one hundred percent, without a doubt, want to marry and spend the rest of their life with is BOGGLING! The evidence behind this match making show is so strong too...a whole ONE couple has successfully stayed together once the season ended...WOW...GREAT ODDS!
Anyway, with my old roomie coming over, I had to do some serious cleaning. I scrubbed down the whole bathroom, finally put stuff away that has been chilling in the Living Room and gave the kitchen a good clean up. I continued my "Suzie Homemaker" frenzy by cutting up an apple and pear to go with our dinner of cheese and wine...YUM!!! Entertainment excluded, it was great to have her over and partake in our beloved old past time of yummy wine and cheese night :)

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