Friday, August 13, 2010

Happy Friday...Namaste.

Today is my day of rest but I have so many knots in my back that I'm surprised I don't look like Quasimoto. To help relieve all of these clustered up muscles, I'm thinking a lil' yoga action this evening will be good to settle the body (and mind) before I hit the pavement for 9 miles tomorrow morning. A couple weeks ago I took the class that I plan to take this evening and it was really great. The instructor was really helpful with everyone ensuring that they were correct in their poses and he had a calm manner in his voice. I left class feeling o' so zen! Once I got home I had some dinner and at like 9:30 I was not winning the battle of my weighted eyelids. I was in bed by 10 and got a really great nights rest. How could I not want a repeat of that? Especially since Stella may have had her "ways" with me last evening... ;)

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