Thursday, August 5, 2010

Changing my tune for the week...

I had a whole different song and dance for today's post, then looked for an image for today's post (half the fun is finding a good pic), found this hysterical number and deleted the previous sentiments instantly. I was feeling all "worried and nervous" about running in the heat tomorrow but why worry about something that hasn't even happened? Why doubt my ability to knock down 12 miles if its hot outside? I've BEEN running in this heat, I'm just going to have to make sure I drink plenty of water tomorrow and wear my oh so "sexy" belt. To relate to the picture on the left, my brave "thing" is running in the heat but I will be prepared and I hope that I can run like hell....Hell, I did last week! (On an entirely unrelated note, how frickin' cute is this picture? I love it!)

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