Thursday, August 12, 2010

Just call me Shera...Princess of Power!

I'm not sure if this title makes me a total dork or a total toolbox but I TOTES-MA-GOATS feeingl like Shera, Princess of Power after my workout this evening! Originally I was thinking "Hercules" but then I said to myself, "I'm no dude and there are some fierce females out there." So hence, Shera!

Tonight, I left work slightly earlier than normal but the boss is in Scotland (hopefully he's not actually keeping up with my blog, guess I'll find out Monday!) so I figured I'd take a small tad bit advantage of it. I scooted downstairs to the NYSC in my work building, set up my Total Body Conditioning class spot, changed quickly and hopped on a treadmill. Sometimes, tonight is an instance, I don't mind the treadmill. Tonight it worked to my advantage because I was able to push myself to pound out 3 miles in 25 minutes making it in time for TBC just as they were finishing the warm up. I love these types of classes because in an hour you work you're whole body and it doesn't feel so painful (until after) because you have people pushing you.

Getting home after my great workout, I'm feeling pretty good. I wanted to toss this all on a page before I showered myself up to go out for some cocktails. I believe I deserve them after hitting the gym tonight...oooooh foooo show!!! ;)

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