Thursday, September 30, 2010

Weather tempermental....

Man has this week's weather been uninspiring! Monday and Tuesday were total wash outs and today started out with rain then decided to seal in its misery stamp by never getting sunny. I have only run once since Saturday but I do plan to run tonight....not exactly the "hard core training" I had planned to do leading up to one of my longest runs before the big day. My original plan today was to get up this morning and run so that this evening I could go to my favorite body conditioning class but between the pouring rain outside and the sick feeling I had in the back of my throat, I opted to stay in bed. All day I've felt tired, a little achy, SUPER cranky and this annoying clump in the back of my throat. All I have to say is that I better not be getting sick. If I do, I won't be surprised because on Monday I got absolutely soaked on my way to work and sat shivering the remainder of the day. Probably not the best thing for a person. As much as I'd love to trade this evening's trip to the gym (I'm doing my 5-er on the treadmill...) for an evening on the couch with the beastly feline, I shall resist because I keep hearing my dad in the back of my mind saying, "Just sweat it out kid, you'll be fine." I kid you not, growing up, my sister and I would be sick as dogs (where does that expression come from?) unable to move and my father would yell at us to go for a run around the block to sweat it out!!!

So it will be off to "sweat it out" and hopefully tonight's work out will support my dad's "theory" so that I will be feeling healthy for my 20 miles on Saturday.

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