Last night I went for my scheduled 4 miles with the Niketown running group again. I'm really having mixed feelings about this group because the run has consistently (a whole two times in a row) not started on time and I'm kind of a "no nonsense" kinda gal. I like to deal with the task at hand, move on and be done with it. I feel like with this group, you have to wait around in the store until everyone finally decides to head to the park. Then you have to wait for the group to get to the meeting spot in the park. Once everyone is there you get split up in your mileage pack and after all of that you finally can start running! Last night I only had 4 miles to do (sans nano because I forgot my godforsaken armband...grrrr!) and by the time I headed back to Niketown (skipping part of the stretching because I started stretching on my own waiting around yet again for the group to start) it was 7:50pm! Really?!? For 4 miles?!? I will say the good thing is that it has me running along hilly paths which will hopefully benefit me on tomorrow's run but other than that, I get more aggravated than a runner's high. Depending on how I do tomorrow will help me evaluate if I will continue with this group run. An idea I've concocted is that I may just bring my running stuff with me to work and head to the park from work then go straight home on the subway after my run....But that's just a lil' alternative plan I'm working out...
So tonight, to nurse my tired body and soles, I plan to grab some groceries, recovery bevys (no, no Stella unfortunately), throw in a wash, go to yoga, take a bath, make some dinner (this is getting ambitious) then hit the hay early. Ideally I'd like to rise and shine tomorrow at 7am, have some breakfast and tea then hit the road running by 8am for my 17 miles. I'm hoping it takes me 3 hours or less but I won't know until I'm done and look at my time. Let's hope I don't toss and turn tonight worrying about tomorrow so that I'll be well rested to take on the beast that is looming over me...
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