Friday, September 17, 2010

TGIF....Fooo shooooow update on the "Sneak Situation," I have a new model.... I spent an hour with the manager at City Sports last night trying on a recommended model by Saucony as well as other brands to hopefully make the right decision on my next pair. Cheggie (pronounced like reggae) was very patient with me and wanted me to leave with the best possible new pair as I could. I think we succeeded because when I ran my designated 5 miles last night, I did not experience the pain I had previously... With that said, lets all cross our fingers, toes, arms, legs...hell lets even braid our hair in hopes that this new pair of Saucony ProGrid Ride 3's are the SHOESSSSSS!!!!!!!

Now that my stressful week caused by not having the proper footwear is over, I am looking forward to a relaxing evening ahead. I plan to grab some groceries, go to Yoga, cook a healthy pasta dinner, maybe take a bath and hit the hay on the early side. This routine seemed to help me out with last week's long run so I'm hoping that it pays off for tomorrow too. The weather forecast is favorable for another lovely run so all I have to worry about is making sure I'm properly hydrated and fueled. I'm feeling good about this, its starting to get really REAL (as if running all these miles every week hasn't been real enough!).

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