Monday, September 20, 2010

18 miles and trying to stay awake..

I kid you not but when I was out for my run on Saturday I had gotten into such a "zone" that I had to snap myself out of it a couple times because I felt like I could have closed my eyes and kept running. I guess when you've been running for over an hour and then have about another hour and a half to go, you kind of lose sight of what you're actually doing, or at least I did...

Saturday morning, I woke up and began my new morning routine of green tea, coconut water and a toast sandwich with peanut butter and banana. This breakfast fueled me the previous week for 17 so I figured if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it. When I started out on my run I felt kinda stiff and sore and was a little nervous that it wasn't going to be as successful as the previous week. I had my run split in two loops, 7 mile southern west tip of Manhattan then 11 miles up the Hudson and back down. When I reached about 96th street, that's when my daze took over and I had to "snap to" and "look alive" because I was totally having an out of body experience. I was running but I wasn't totally paying attention. So weird and I'm so not describing it properly but it was crazy. Anyway, once I reconnected myself to the task at hand and realized I had a few miles left, I was feeling pretty darn good. There is a billboard around 50th Street that has a clock on it and when I ran by it on the way back I had been running for about 2 hours and 20 minutes and had probably another 2 to 3 miles. I gave myself a lil' pep talk and picked up the pace to finish my 18 miles in 2 hours and 40 minutes. I kid you not, I averaged under a 9 minute mile pace...holy lord! Needless to say the rest of my day was spent on the couch with my legs up but that's okay by me, I think I deserved it!

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