1) I was with my hometown peeps this past weekend and this is for them and our fantastically fun times shared.
2) I am running FOR my people; my family, my friends, even peeps who I don't know but may benefit from some sort of education they receive from the American Heart Association protecting them from the killers heart disease and stroke.
3) Even when I run, I want to stop and shake my tail feathers like a mad woman as soon as this song comes bolting through my headphones....especially when it starts with an "OOOT Ooooooooo" then later with the lyrics "Ya'll I'm on fiy-yahhhhhhhh!"
So now that I've revealed thoughts that go through my head when I run, we're really starting to get deep and open up our whole relationship here....Anyway, this weekend was a whirl wind but a great one. I got back to Boston just in time to have some celebratory drinks with my high school friends for one of my friend's wedding. Saturday I did some recovering at Target then hit the road for my 12 miler. The first 5 miles were tough. My shin splints were acting up and I was lacking energy. I popped a Gu, gave myself a pep talk and kept going. I pushed myself to get the full 12 done even when I was contemplating cutting it short. It was about the last 2 miles that "4 my people" came on and I was runnnnn-ennnnnnnn'. The day couldn't have been a more beautiful fall day. Crisp, slightly cool, sunny...days that when you're running for just shy of 2 hours, you dream about.
After taking some time to recover, I put my party shoes back on for another L-town (how my peeps and I refer to our place of upbringing) wedding celebration. I'm not going to lie, after running 12 miles, DELICIOUS BBQ food including MAC N' CHEESE is DA BOMB. Probably not the healthiest to have but O.M.Geeee it was good!
Sunday was a more restful day. My mom and I went on a nice walk in the morning which is when she declared that there really is no use for the letter "R." True story. I kid you not, while we were walking she spoke a sentence that should have had at least 10 "R"s in it but not one was actually pronounced. I love my mom's accent but tease her to the high heavens so she defended herself with, "You know Caitie, I don't really see the use for the letter "R" unless it comes at the beginning of a word such as 'rustic' or 'right.' Othawise it just takes to long to say." Probably one of the funniest things my mom ever said to me. I love it, I love her.
Later on Sunday I lunched with some college gals then shopped then dined with my mom. There was a lot of eating on Sunday. Monday, it was up and at 'em relatively early, to bid farewell to my Bean and head back to the Apple.
I got a new pair of sneaks last night, for those of you are keeping count, its pair numbah FIVE! If these things don't work out tonight on my run, it is quite possible that I'll be the blond scooped out of the Hudson River with a cement block tied to her ankle....I kid, I kid, that's a ridiculous thing to say but it gets my point across that I will be just completely fed up with this witch hunt for sneakers that don't cause me pain!
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