Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Annnnnd I'm BACK!!!

GREAT news....I met with an orthopedic surgeon today and I've been given a high five to get back on the road running TOMORROW!!! My new best friend who has 25 marathons (yes that's 25) under his belt prescribed me a pair of orthodics, told me to go for a 15 or 16 miler this weekend and to keep going. I can't even begin to tell how happy and relieved this makes me. For the last two days I would just think about the doctor recommending that I not run the marathon and felt sadness I hadn't felt since my Uncle Joe passed away. I have to say, I feel like the family that I've lost and who are my motivators, are looking out for me. There is a reason that I have put myself through all of these weeks of training and they are making sure it happens.

So tomorrow I shall road test the orthodics for a 5 miler and hopefully all will be right in the world again in terms of my training. Two weeks from this coming Sunday, I will be seeing YOU on the other side of 26.2 miles! Happy Hump Day!

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