Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New woman!

So, not sure how much you've been following my blog or how much you actually remember but waaaaay back when I started out my training and blogging, I mentioned I was in need of fixing my computer. Well....I JUST got that taken care of! Yup, a whole 3 months later I finally got my itunes synced up on a newer computer (old one died) and therefore I have all sorts of new tunes! Currently I am OBSESSED with Florence and the Machine. I like to fondly refer to her as "Flo." I have also added some other great tunes such as "Sweet Disposition" by Temper Trap, "Home" by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros and "Like a G6" by Far East Movement (0r something like that) just to give ya a lil' flavah of what is bumping in my ear phones as I do my measly lil' runs leading up to the ultimate run.

Tunes that I am trying to resist...those by the lil' teen "heart throb" Justin Beiber. Yup, there is just something about a 29 year old woman downloading tunes sang by a 16 year old boy that just seems wrong to me. I am aware that cougarville is closer in my future than HS graduation is in my past, so I think I'll pass on those tunes...I think I'll be covered just fine for the marathon!

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